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General provisions

Rates on the website of the betting office “Gol+Pas” for all sports, for all bases are accepted FOR REGULAR TIME ONLY

If you have questions about the bets, please go to the section “Help”

Rules of the office in the Kazakh language “Download”

Terms and definitions

Bet means making of a money bet between the betting office and its clients.

Coefficient means quotations for the event offered by the Office.

Receipt means individual electronic or paper document that reflects the amount of each bet, the coefficients of each bet and all bets in general, the time of the event.

Event means a process, on which a bet is made, it has set time frame, hypothetical and real variants of the outcome.

Process of the software product BO GOLPAS means a real event occurring on the server.

Outcome means the result of the event, taking into account the corresponding winning coefficient

Software product of BO Gol+Pas means a set of computer programs, procedures and, possibly, related documents and data; Software product means a software as a result of human activity, exhibited in the market of a mass buyer as a commodity and having a non-zero user value. Certifcates

Server of BO Gol+Pas - A server means a computer dedicated from a group of personal computers (or workstations) to perform any service task without the direct human participation.

More information on different terms on bets can be found in the section “Terms and definitions”.

General provisions

1.1.1. These rules establish the relationship between the Betting Office “Gol+Pas” (hereinafter referred to as the Office) and persons making bets on sports and other events (hereinafter – Clients).

1.1.2. Bets are accepted from persons over 18 years old (in the territory of Kazakhstan from April 1, 2007 – only from persons over 21 years old). The responsibility for the violation of this clause is borne by the Client is responsible for the violation of this clause. In case Client’s refusal to provide his passport data, the employees of the Office have the right to refuse to accept bets.

1.1.3. Bets are accepted only from persons who agree with the rules set by the Office. Any bet is a confirmation that the Client knows these rules and agrees with them. The Office has the right not to accept bets from persons who violate these rules.

1.1.4. The betting office accepts bets on events taking place in Kazakhstan, Russia and abroad. BO GOL+PAS accepts bets on real upcoming events from sports, social and political, cultural and musical life, contests, intellectual games and from other spheres of life of an individual and society that do not contradict the “Law on the gambling industry of the Republic of Kazakhstan” of April 24, 2015 , including on events occurring in real time on certified software products, hosted on BO servers and on the sites of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

1.1.5. All bets made simultaneously by the Client are considered in the receipt. Payments on winning receipts are made within 20 calendar days from the date of the completion of all events in the receipt.

1.1.6. All disputes are accepted within 10 days after the completion of an event. The final decision on all disputed situations is taken by the administration of the betting office.

1.1.7. In case of detection of fraudulent activities associated with the acceptance of bets and financial transactions, payments are not made, the guilty party is brought to criminal responsibility.

1.1.8. In the presence of indirect and direct evidence of the contractual nature of a certain game, unfair sports, as well as the presence of obvious SIGNS of an unsporting fight, the betting office reserves the right to cancel bets and declare them invalid, pay them out with a coefficient equal to 1.

1.1.8/1 Obvious signs of an unsporting fight include uniform bets on one outcome of an event or its component. As well as bets from a group of persons or newly registered persons for the purpose of playing at bets on a certain event with uniform bets.

1.1.9. The Client is allowed to open only one betting account. In case of opening of more than one betting account by one person on the website of the betting offce “Gol+Pas” [] (/) the office reserves the right to block all accounts and to stop payments on them. The office reserves the right to set individual conditions and limitations.

1.1.10. Simultaneous bets on the same outcome from a group of persons (a syndicate of players, etc.) are not allowed.

1.1.11. For protective purposes, personal data of users are not transferred or sold to third parties, but the betting office is not responsible for the safety of passwords from the betting account, e-mail, etc. in cases of transfer of this data by the users themselves. To save the password, clients are recommended to enter complex passwords consisting of letters and numbers that do not repeat the login and are not a specific word, and also not to publish this data publicly, not to send it by e-mail, etc. In case of loss of the password from the account by the client and making payments on this account, claims are not accepted.

1.1.12. The betting office undertakes to notify users only in cases of changes in the general provisions of the rules, the rules for accepting and calculating of the bets. In cases of emergence of new coefficients and their transcript in the rules, changes in the calculation of bonuses, contests, etc. , the office is not responsible to notify the players.

1.1.13. The Office reserves the right to request copies of documents confirming the user identity. If the user does not provide these, the user account will be blocked.